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Eye Pillows Lavender
Scented with Flannel Covers

10.5"x4.5" - 12 oz. - 1 Pouch

Soothies eye pillows are a great way to relax and rest your eyes after a busy, stressful day. They can be also used to help alleviate headaches, allergies, or sinus pain. These eye pillows come with removable, washable covers. 




Flannel - Heat

Flannel packs work best if you want a long lasting, moist heat. Moist heat is what doctors recommend, and the moist heat provided by the flax seed penetrates deep and fast and provides a warm, soothing feeling that helps relieve a variety of chronic pain issues, such as sore, achy muscles from fibromyalgia, arthritis, muscle tension, or back pain. The flannel fabric acts as a heat insulator and holds the heat longer than other fabrics.

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